Install EIB eibd

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The EIB / KNX bus can be accessed via the eibd daemon. The original distribution at TU Wien is no longer maintained. The work has been taken over on SourceForge.

Before all, make sure you have installed an xPL hub and a control user.

Install knx

Install knxd:

apt install knxd
apt install knxd-tools

Start the daemon:

su control
knxd -b ipt:

List commands:

knxtool list

Perform a write:

knxtool on ip:localhost 1/1/1
knxtool off ip:localhost 1/1/1


knxtool groupswrite ip:localhost 1/1/1 1
knxtool groupswrite ip:localhost 1/1/1 0

Listen to the KNX telegrams:

knxtool vbusmonitor1time ip:localhost

As to my understanding, the busmonitor variants work with filters to be defined whilst the vbusmonitor variants show all messages.

Stop the service:

pkill eibd
ps ax | grep eibd | grep -v grep

Install xPL EIB bridge

Download the eibd write and eibd read scripts.

Move the script to xPL scripts directory:

chown control:users $SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/*.pl
chmod 775 $SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/*.pl

Test xPL EIB writer

Open a first terminal window (on any machine with xPL installed) and monitor the xPL protocol:


If the eibd daemon isn't running, launch it in a second window:

su control
knxd -u /tmp/eib -b ipt:

In another terminal window, start the xPL EIB writer:

su control
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -n home

Open yet another terminal and send a message to the EIB tunnelling server:

su control
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-eib.home -c eib.basic group='1/1/1' data=0x01

This should turn on EIB device 1/1/1. The groupsocketlisten window should show the knxd write command.

If no more testing is wanted, stop the EIB daemon:

pkill knxd
ps ax | grep knxd | grep -v grep

Test xPL EIB reader

Open a first terminal window (on any machine with xPL installed) and monitor the xPL protocol:


If the eibd daemon isn't running, launch it in a second window:

su control
eibd -S -D -i --daemon=/var/log/eibd.log ipt:

Then start the xPL EIB reader:

groupsocketlisten ip:localhost | $SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -n home

Push on an EIB button or send a message to the EIB tunnelling server:

su control
groupswrite ip:localhost 1/1/1 1
groupswrite ip:localhost 1/1/1 0

The EIB activity should appear in the window.

Stop the EIB daemon:

pkill eibd
ps ax | grep eibd | grep -v grep

Launch the xPL EIB interface at startup

The EIB writer is to be launched after the xPL hub. The EIB reader is launched as a pre-start script.

Debian with SystemD

On Debian with systemd (such as Raspbian or Ubuntu), the scripts can be defined as services.

Edit /lib/systemd/system/xpl-knxWrite.service:

Description=xPL KNX write
After=xpl-hub.service knxd.service

ExecStart=/home/control/Documents/Controls/ -n home


Edit /lib/systemd/system/xpl-eib-read.service:

Description=xPL eib read
After=xpl-hub.service eib.service

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/usr/local/bin/groupsocketlisten ip:localhost | /home/control/Documents/Controls/ -n home'


Activate the services:

systemctl enable xpl-knxWrite.service
service xpl-knxWrite start
systemctl enable xpl-eib-read.service
service xpl-eib-read start

Reboot and check:

ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i xpl
ps ax | grep -i xpl | grep -v grep | sed 's/.*\/Controls\///'
systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running | grep knx
service xpl-knx* status

Ubuntu with Upstart

Edit /etc/init/xpl-eib.conf:

# xPL EIB interface to an eibd daemon
description "xPL EIB interface"
version     "1.0"
author      "Francois Corthay"

# Configuration variables
env SCRIPTS_DIR='/home/control/Documents/Controls'
env EIBD_DIR='/usr/local/bin'
env PARAMETERS='-n home'

# Start and stop conditions
start on xpl-hub_started          
stop on shutdown
setuid control
setgid users

# Start eibd daemon and reader before the writer
pre-start script
  $EIBD_DIR/eibd -S -D -i -d ipt:
  $EIBD_DIR/groupsocketlisten ip:localhost | $SCRIPTS_DIR/ $PARAMETERS &
end script

# Stop eib daemon on shutdown
pre-stop script
  pkill eibd
end script

# Start daemon

Start the device and test it:

su root
killall eibd
service xpl-eib start

su control
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-eib.home -c eib.basic group='1/1/1' data=0x01
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-eib.home -c eib.basic group='1/1/1' data=0x00

Reboot the PC and check for the daemons:

ps ax | grep -i xpl | grep -v grep
initctl list | grep xpl