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(Install Perl libraries)
(CGI control script)
Line 87: Line 87:
my $portId = 3865;
my $portId = 3865;
my $messageType = 'xpl-cmnd';
my $messageType = 'xpl-cmnd';
my $source = 'sendstate.harmonia';
my $source = 'sendstate.metis';
my $target = 'dspc-state.home';
my $target = 'dspc-state.home';
my $scheme = 'state.basic';
my $scheme = 'state.basic';
Line 222: Line 222:
Test it as a CGI by navigating to the control page:
Test it as a CGI by navigating to the control page:
The browser shoud display the same info as the terminal,
The browser shoud display the same info as the terminal,
the monitor should show the frame
the monitor should show the frame

Revision as of 18:59, 3 December 2017

Controlling the home from distance is made via a web access.

In this example, the server is harmonia.local: evidently, this has to be replaced by your local server name.

Install a web server

Install the web server:

apt-get update
apt-get install lighttpd
apt-get install php5-cgi
lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi fastcgi-php
lighty-enable-mod cgi
service lighttpd reload
service lighttpd status

Configure the base directory and modify the line with server.document-root:

nano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
service lighttpd reload
cp /var/www/index.lighttpd.html $WWW_ROOT

Edit /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/10-cgi.conf to allow CGI scripts execution:

# /usr/share/doc/lighttpd/cgi.txt
server.modules += ( "mod_cgi" )
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/homeControl/" {
  cgi.assign = ( ".cgi" => "/usr/bin/perl" )

Navigate to your server within a web browser. You should discover the default lighttpd placeholder page.

Install libraries

Install jQuery

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library for HTML event handling and animation.

Create the home control directory:

mkdir -p $WWW_CONTROL
chmod -R 775 $WWW_CONTROL
chown -R control:users $WWW_CONTROL

Download the latest compressed, production jQuery version.

wget http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js

Install Perl libraries

XML::Simple allows to easily read and write XML files.

Install it:

perl -MFile::Find=find -MFile::Spec::Functions -Tlw -e 'find { wanted => sub { print canonpath $_ if /\.pm\z/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, @INC' 2> /dev/null | grep -i xml/simple
apt-get install libxml-sax-expat-incremental-perl
perl -MCPAN -e "install 'XML::Simple'"


apt-cache search XML::Simple | grep simple
apt-get install libxml-simple-perl

Image::Size allows to find height and width information of an image. It can be handy for displaying buttons.

Install it:

perl -MFile::Find=find -MFile::Spec::Functions -Tlw -e 'find { wanted => sub { print canonpath $_ if /\.pm\z/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, @INC' 2> /dev/null | grep -i image/size
perl -MCPAN -e "install 'Image::Size'"


apt-cache search Image::Size
apt-get install libimage-size-perl

CGI control script

The following script can be run either from a terminal or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) script:

use IO::Socket;
use CGI;
my $cgi = CGI->new;

# constants
my $portId = 3865;
my $messageType = 'xpl-cmnd';
my $source = 'sendstate.metis';
my $target = 'dspc-state.home';
my $scheme = 'state.basic';

$separator = '-' x 80;
$indent = ' ' x 2;

# Input arguments
my $verbose = 1;
my ($room, $kind, $object, $value);
my $broadcastAddress = '';
my $timeout = -1;
my $logFilespec = '/tmp/sendState.log';

                                                       # get parameters from URL
  $room   = $cgi->param('room');    
  $kind   = $cgi->param('kind');    
  $object = $cgi->param('object');    
  $value  = $cgi->param('value');    
else {
                                              # get parameters from command line
  use Getopt::Std;
  my %opts;
  getopts('hvb:t:l:', \%opts);
      "Usage: $0 [-hv] [-b address] [-t timeout] room kind object value\n".
      "${indent}-h      display this help message\n".
      "${indent}-v      verbose\n".
      "${indent}-b addr broadcast address\n".
      "${indent}-t time timeout\n".
      "${indent}-l file log filespec\n".
      "The message is sent to machine <server>, UDP port <portId>.\n".
      "More information with: perldoc $0\n".
     ) if ($opts{h});
  $verbose = $opts{v};

  ($room, $kind, $object, $value) = @ARGV;
  $broadcastAddress = $opts{'b'} || $broadcastAddress;
  $timeout = $opts{'t'} || $timeout;
  $logFilespec = $opts{'l'} || $logFilespec;

# Subroutines

# send UDP frame
sub sendUDP {
  my ($broadcastAddress, $portId, $command) = @_;
  my $reply = '';
                                                               # open UDP socket
  my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp', Broadcast => 1)
    or return('Socket open failed.');
  my $ipAddress = inet_aton($broadcastAddress);
  my $portAddress = sockaddr_in($portId, $ipAddress);
                                                                  # send command
  send($socket, $command, 0, $portAddress);
                                                                  # close socket


# Main program
                                                                   # log command
my $text = "In $room $kind, setting $object to \"$value\".";
open(my $LOG_FILE, '>', $logFilespec) or die "Could not open file '$logFilespec' $!";
print $LOG_FILE "$text\n";
close $LOG_FILE;
chmod(oct('0666'), $logFilespec);
                                                        # display xPL frame info
if ($verbose > 0) {
  $text .= "\n";
  $text .= "${indent}broadcast address is \"$broadcastAddress\"\n";
  $text .= "${indent}message type is \"$messageType\"\n";
  $text .= "${indent}source is \"$source\"\n";
  $text .= "${indent}target is \"$target\"\n";
  $text .= "${indent}scheme is \"$scheme\"\n";
    $text =~ s/\n$indent/\<br \/\>  /g;
    print $cgi->header;
    print $cgi->start_html;
    print $cgi->end_html;
  else {
                                                                # send xPL frame
my $message = "$messageType\n";
$message   .= "{\n";
$message   .= "hop=1\n";
$message   .= "source=$source\n";
$message   .= "target=$target\n";
$message   .= "}\n";
$message   .= "$scheme\n";
$message   .= "{\n";
$message   .= "room=$room\n";
$message   .= "kind=$kind\n";
$message   .= "object=$object\n";
$message   .= "value=$value\n";
$message   .= "command=set\n";
$message   .= "}\n";
sendUDP($broadcastAddress, $portId, $message);

The idea of working both in terminal and in CGI mode came from John Bent's xPL ToolKit for Perl.

Save the script as /homeControl/sendState.cgi in the web pages directory.

Test it in a terminal window:

./sendState.cgi -v study lights ceiling on

The terminal should display information about what is being sent, an xPL monitor should show the corresponding frame and the home state xPL device should turn the corresponding light on.

Test it as a CGI by navigating to the control page:


The browser shoud display the same info as the terminal, the monitor should show the frame and the home state device shoiud turn the light off.

Home control page

Static HTML page

In the www home control directory, create a simple.html control page:

    <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Light controls .................................................... -->
    <br />
    <table align="center" border='0px' cellpadding='12px' cellspacing='0px' bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
        <th width="240px">ceiling</th>
        <th width="240px">stand</th>
        <td align="center"><input id="ceiling" type="checkbox" /></td>
        <td align="center"><input id="stand" type="checkbox" /></td>

    <!-- Button handling javascript ........................................ -->
      $().ready(function() {
        var room = 'study';
        var kind = 'lights';
        var object = '';
        var value = '';
                                                            // outgoing messages
        $('#ceiling').on('change', function() {
          object = 'ceiling';
          value = ($(this).is(':checked') == true ? 'on' : 'off');
          $.post('sendState.cgi', {room: room, kind: kind, object: object, value: value})
          console.log('sending ' + room + ' ' + kind + ' ' + object + ' "' + value + '"');
        $('#stand').on('change', function() {
          object = 'stand';
          value = ($(this).is(':checked') == true ? 'on' : 'off');
          $.post('sendState.cgi', {room: room, kind: kind, object: object, value: value})
          console.log('sending ' + room + ' ' + kind + ' ' + object + ' "' + value + '"');


Navigate to the control page: http://harmonia.local/homeControl/simple.html

The web browser should show two buttons. Clicking on them should launch the CGI script and turn the lights on or off.

Dynamic HTML pages

Adding further buttons to the preceeding HTML page is a tedious task consisting on repeating a regular pattern. Obviously, the HTML rendering should be scripted.

The build control page ZIP file contains:

  • buildControlPage.cgi, the script generating the HTML pages
  • pages.xml, an XML file defining the layout of the HTML control pages for my apartment
  • Icons, a directory containing the buton icons

The pages are specified by two identifiers: room and level. Navigation buttons, with attribute type='navigation', allow to jump to another control page by specifying these two identifiers. The other buttons, with attribute type='press', type='slider' or type='on_off' (toggle), allow to send xPL commands via the sendState.cgi script.

The pages.xml description allows to define the background color of the generated HTML page. Additionally to that, it can add Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) drawings such as the rectangles in the apartment/rooms page.