Install central

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The central xPL device can be compared to a central station. It monitors all xPL messages and can trigger other messages based on a set of rules stored in an XML file.

Before all,make sure you have installed an xPL hub.

Install xPL central device

Install XML::Simple:

perl -MFile::Find=find -MFile::Spec::Functions -Tlw -e 'find { wanted => sub { print canonpath $_ if /\.pm\z/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, @INC' 2> /dev/null | grep -i 'xml.*simple'
perl -MCPAN -e "install 'XML::Simple'"

If XML::SAX::Expat doesn't install properly and blocks the installation of XML::Simple, which was the case on my Ubuntu BeagleBone, try:

apt-get install libxml-sax-expat-incremental-perl
ln -s /usr/share/perl5/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini
perl -MCPAN -e "install 'XML::Simple'"

Download the xPL central device script.

Move the script to xPL scripts directory:

chown control:users $SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/*.pl
chmod 775 $SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/*.pl

Configure xPL central device

Edit /home/control/Documents/Controls/centralActions.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  possible actions:
    messageType_source_target_class_name1_value1_name2_value2="messageType target class name1=value1 name2=value2"
    messageType_source_target_class_name1_value1_name2_value2="messageType target class name1=value1 name2=value2|messageType target class name1=value1 name2=value2"
    messageType_source_target_class_name1_value1_name2_value2="messageType target class name1=value1 name2=value2|sleep 100 ms|messageType target class name1=value1 name2=value2"
    xpl-cmnd_any_any_pingPong.basic_message_ping="xpl-trig * pingPong.basic message=pong"
    xpl-trig_any_any_eib.basic_group_01.01.001_data_0x00="xpl-cmnd dspc-state.home state.basic command=update room=study level=lights object=ceiling value=off"
    xpl-trig_any_any_eib.basic_group_01.01.001_data_0x01="xpl-cmnd dspc-state.home state.basic command=update room=study level=lights object=ceiling value=on"
    xpl-trig_any_any_eib.basic_group_01.01.002_data_0x00="xpl-cmnd dspc-state.home state.basic command=update room=study level=lights object=stand value=off"
    xpl-trig_any_any_eib.basic_group_01.01.002_data_0x01="xpl-cmnd dspc-state.home state.basic command=update room=study level=lights object=stand value=on"
    xpl-cmnd_any_any_state.basic_command_set_room_study_level_lights_object_ceiling_value_off="xpl-cmnd dspc-eib.home eib.basic group=1/1/1 data=0x00"
    xpl-cmnd_any_any_state.basic_command_set_room_study_level_lights_object_ceiling_value_on="xpl-cmnd dspc-eib.home eib.basic group=1/1/1 data=0x01"
    xpl-cmnd_any_any_state.basic_command_set_room_study_level_lights_object_stand_value_off="xpl-cmnd dspc-eib.home eib.basic group=1/1/2 data=0x00"
    xpl-cmnd_any_any_state.basic_command_set_room_study_level_lights_object_stand_value_on="xpl-cmnd dspc-eib.home eib.basic group=1/1/2 data=0x01"

The comments in the beginning of the file show the structure of the configuration lines. Each line defines a pattern which, compared to an incoming xPL message, triggers one or more other messages.

The actions are grouped in groups such as pingPong and eib in the preceeding example. This has no effect in the interpretation of the commands: it's only purpose is to structure the XML file and to allow to comment-out parts of the configuration items or to add comments in the file.

The configuration file is reloaded each time a new xPL message arrives. This allows to edit it without having to stop and restart the xPL central device.

Test xPL central device

Test it on a BeagleBone:

su control
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -n home

Open a 2nd terminal window (on any machine with xPL installed) and monitor the xPL protocol:


Open another terminal and send a message to the serial port:

su control
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -c pingPong.basic message=ping

The monitor should display the ping message, directly followed by a pong message emitted by the xPL central device.

Launch the xPL central device at startup

The xPL central device is to be launched after the xPL hub.


On Ubuntu, the xPL central device starts-up once xpl-hub_started has been emitted.

Edit /etc/init/xpl-central.conf:

# xPL central message parser
description "xPL central message parser"
version     "1.0"
author      "Francois Corthay"

# Configuration variables
env SCRIPTS_DIR='/home/control/Documents/Controls'
env PARAMETERS='-n home'

# Start and stop conditions
start on xpl-hub_started
stop on shutdown
setuid control
setgid users

# Start daemon

Start the device and test it:

su root
service xpl-central start
service xpl-central status

Under construction icon-blue

$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-serPort.eib -c serPort.basic command='gci'
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-serPort.eib -c serPort.basic command='dts \$15'
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-serPort.eib -c serPort.basic command='tds (1/1/1) 1'

Mac OS

On Mac OS, the xPL central device starts-up later than the hub.

Edit /Library/LaunchDaemons/xpl-central.plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>xPL central message parser</string>

Start the device and test it:

su root
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/xpl-central.plist

$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-serPort.eib -c serPort.basic command='gci'
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-serPort.eib -c serPort.basic command='dts \$15'
$SCRIPTS_BASE_DIR/ -v -t cmnd -d dspc-serPort.eib -c serPort.basic command='tds (1/1/1) 1'